
Bont Vaypor LT mit Raps V6 klap/fest

€ 669,00 € 329,00 inkl. MwSt


Auf Lager Im Rückstand Abgesetzt


Chaussure pour le patinage sur glace

Bont Vaypor LT boot is made of 100% carbon fiber which is made it extremely lightweight and stiff. The Black upper id made of Australian Full grain leather. Bont Vaypor is one of the durable and strongest ice skate boots available.

wax laces and lace
flap with Velcro
Velcro at the tongue so it can not move
Long track insert slots with width mounting
made of 100% carbon fiber.
Australian Full grain leather upper.
The boot is extremely lightweight and comfortable.


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Vaypor LT mit Raps V6 klap/fest
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36, 36,5, 39, 44, 47, 48, 49
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€ 869,95
inkl. MwSt
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SALE -41%
Vaypor Black EHS Chrome
Verfügbare Optionen:
34, 34.5, 36, 36.5, 39, 44, 47, 48, 49
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